A downloadable game for Windows

The first playable version of my real-time strategy x rhythm game mashup.

Units attack in time with the beat! Orchestrate a symphony of destruction by destroying enemy cubes!

Includes a single playable level to showcase the concept.

Instructions and control are explained within the level.

The player controls blue cubes, and is tasked with destroying yellow cubes.

There is no end-state. Once the objective has been completed the menu can be opened to restart or exit the game.


RhythmStrategyPrototype.zip 293 MB

Install instructions

  • Download RhythmStrategyPrototype.zip file and extract contents
  • Open RhythmStrategy folder
  • Run RhythmStrategy.exe

 (NOTE: You may be prompted to install redistributables for the game to work, please do so or the game may crash)

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